Apply Now: $50,000 for Women’s Participation in ICTforAg Solutions
Increasing women’s participation in digital agri-food advisory services and programs improves gender equality and is a strategic approach to improving agricultural...
9 World Bank Digital Agriculture Programs Improving Food Security
Digital agriculture is the use of information and communication technologies across the agriculture and food system. According to the World Bank, agritech can help...
USAID Resilience and Food Security Digital Strategy Action Plan
The application of digital technology within resilience and food security sectors has both sectorally unique elements, as well as some commonalities. Digital technologies...
How Startup Companies Are Using Artificial Intelligence in LMICs
Around the world, artificial intelligence is automating functions and making new services possible with breakthroughs in cheap computing power, cloud computing...
Register Now: $4 Billion in USAID Funding for African Country Programs
The official USAID Business Forecast lists over $4 Billion in new funding for programs to improve health, education, agriculture, and civil society in 20 countries...
Apply Now: €2.7 Million West African Digital Agriculture Innovations Grants
West African countries face key climate change challenges, including sustainable use and management of biodiversity, and responsible production and consumption...
Apply Now: $1 Million African Digital Startup Funding and Support
A majority of failed startup companies associate poor execution, limited funding, and market access as the primary drivers of most innovative ideas. The founders...
How Do You Define “Farmer” in Data-Driven Agriculture?
Who’s your farmer? This sounds like a simple question for any agricultural intervention, but it is fraught with complexity, especially for those of us who are...
Can We End Famine As We Know It In Our Lifetime? Is Technology the Solution?
“Our policy objective in the aid community, should be to end famine as we know it in our lifetime.”
That was the challenge presented to us by Andrew...
Please Register Now: ICTforAg 2016 – New Technologies for Smallholder Farmers
June 10th – Washington, DC – Register Now
ICTforAg 2016 will bring together +275 thought leaders and decision makers in agriculture and technology from...