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Apply Now: $200,000 for African Climate Adaptation Data Research

By Wayan Vota on December 19, 2022
African Agriculture Climate funding
Climate change and food security have an immutable link. Climate change has a cascading impact from agroecosystems to agricultural production, to the people and countries and ultimately consumers depending on reliable food production and availability. Africa is already and will continue to suffer the downstream effects of climate change, therefore, underlining a need to have climate adaptive food systems.
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Responding to existing food security challenges in the face of climate change will require increasing productivity both to meet consumption demands and to limit further agricultural land expansion into natural ecosystems. Therefore we need to strengthen the research foundations of climate adaptation planning, risk management, translation from research to action, and investment for the success of each country’s climate agrisystem.

African Agriculture Climate Adaptation Research

African Agriculture Climate Adaptation Research System Request for Proposals seeks innovative approaches to enhance climate adaptation for agriculture in Africa in ways that link directly with and strengthen the ecosystem of local actors and institutions.  18-24 month projects that support innovations that strengthen agriculture-related risk management processes and adaptation prioritization, planning, and investment, through intra-Africa research collaboration on data, data science, and modeling. For example:
  • Programming that promotes co-learning, trainings, and/or scientist exchanges on core agricultural adaptation data-related research areas, e.g., modelling and data analysis, data translation for decision makers, etc.,
  • Innovative systems for collecting data and quantifying the impacts of climate-smart interventions on SSP livelihood, consumption, micronutrient deficiencies, obesity, etc. This may include data collection as well as analytics.
  • Strengthened FAIR data management practices for agricultural and climate data programs, including genetic information, enabling data sharing and collaboration

Funding will be at two levels of project maturity. Seed projects (proof of concept projects), will receive USD $100,000 for studies that have a new idea that needs to be validated and data collected to support or confirm the idea. Transition to scale projects (proven concepts), will receive USD $200,000 to validate in a controlled environment as they seek to develop the product or process and prepare it for scaling.

Apply Now! Deadline is January 15, 2023

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Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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One Comment to “Apply Now: $200,000 for African Climate Adaptation Data Research”

  1. Honest Nyamya says:

    There are four ways ICT4D can help to improve the quality and accessibility of climate adaptation research in Africa, and support the development of evidence-based policies and practices that can help African communities become more resilient to the impacts of climate change.

    1. Data collection and analysis: ICT4D tools, such as mobile phones and tablets, can be used to collect data on the impacts of climate change and the effectiveness of adaptation measures. This data can then be analyzed using software tools and machine learning techniques to identify trends and patterns and inform decision-making.
    2. Remote sensing: ICT4D can be used to support the use of satellite data and other remote sensing technologies to monitor the impacts of climate change on African ecosystems and communities.
    3. Climate modeling: ICT4D can be used to support the development and use of climate models, which can help scientists understand the impacts of climate change and make projections about future conditions.
    4. Collaboration and knowledge-sharing: ICT4D can be used to facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing among researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders working on climate adaptation in Africa. This could include using online platforms to share research findings, hold virtual meetings, and collaborate on projects.