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USAID Cybersecurity Technical Briefs for Your Development Programs

By Wayan Vota on November 15, 2023

usaid cybersecurity primer

USAID is increasingly leveraging the power of technology to accelerate development outcomes as global connectivity nearly doubling since 2014 to more than 4 billion people. Sadly, the number of vulnerabilities expands within an ecosystem as people increase their reliance on digital technology

The USAID Cybersecurity Primer introduces the concept of cybersecurity as a development challenge, presents opportunities to integrate cybersecurity in programming, and highlights cyber threat trends by sector. Partners, donors, governments, and development practitioners can use the core Primer to gain a basic understanding of cyber threats, cybersecurity, and cyber resilience and understand how USAID will incorporate cybersecurity throughout its programming.

These new cybersecurity sectoral briefers serve as quick reference guides and advocacy pieces to help development stakeholders, including USAID Mission staff and Implementing Partners, better understand the impact of cybersecurity across international development programming.

Each briefer explores cybersecurity through the lens of the following development sectors:

These briefers explain cybersecurity trends across key USAID technical sectors and provide concise guidance to USAID technical teams on how to embed cybersecurity into programming.

Filed Under: Connectivity
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Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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One Comment to “USAID Cybersecurity Technical Briefs for Your Development Programs”

  1. Although many young farmers are not at the level of automation that the USAID cybersecurity primer mentions, majority of farmers are at a stage of keeping a few digital records on mostly mobile devices and laptop/Desktop. These records include sales, farm yields, details of fellow farmers/partners, buyer details, supplier details etc.
    This is the information that enables the majority of farmers agribusinesses to thrive, loss of which might lead to huge setback in living standards. And thus, farmers need to proactively learn to safeguard such vital info today rather than waiting until much of their agribusiness is automated.