Apply Now: $75,000 for Drones to Solve Your Community’s Challenges
We have a responsibility to create a sustainable future using the countless environmental benefits of drone and robotic capture technology. Unmanned aerial vehicles...
Apply Now: $100,000 for Humanitarian Relief Action Technology
Humanitarian relief experts are adapting to myriad pressures exacerbated by climate change and global instability, while stretching available funding and exploring...
Why Rwanda Beat Tanzania in UAV Drone Regulation and Experimentation
Around the world, governments are wrestling with the dilemma of how best to re-regulate airspace to control and selectively facilitate commercial drone activity....
Which Is Better for Farm Size Mapping: UAV Drones or Satellites?
Development programming is full of information gathering, such as farm size. In a program I once worked on, smallholder farmers had to have less than three hectares...
Apply Now: £130,400 to Fly UAV Drones for DFID and UNICEF
There are multiple uses of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for aerial mapping and medical supply activities like blood and drug deliveries. However, the majority...
Apply Now: $235,000 Grant Funding for Your UAV Drone Data Innovations
When we look at aerial robotics efforts in international development, we find that only about 10% of any given project focuses on the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)...
Apply Now: $300,000 for UAV Drone Delivery and Imagery Solutions
A significant financing deficit lies between Africa’s current reality and the mobility that it both needs and aspires to. Unmanned aerial vehicles and cargo...
5 Challenges to Scaling Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Global Health
While unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones) have a dynamic feature set and capabilities that make them a potential game changer in global development and humanitarian...
You Need to Use UAVs in Emergencies
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or drones, really excel in emergencies as they satisfy the first need in an emergency: provide quick, cheap, and highly local damage estimates....
The State of Drones for Agricultural Development
Could Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or drones, be a missing piece in addressing the global yield gap? One ICTforAg breakout session, “The State of Drones for Agricultural...