5 Reasons Why Platforms Are Better Than Bespoke Technical Solutions
For many organizations, the struggle to choose between platform and bespoke solutions is becoming more and more unwieldy as technology choices increase exponentially....
The Low-Tech Way to Reach Everyone on Earth
We often focus on new technologies – developing the newest app or handing every teacher a tablet – as if they are magic bullets to solving the world’s...
4 Ways We Can Better Engage Smallholder Farmers Using ICT
An essential component for successfully engaging smallholder farmers using technology comes from providing a voice, a dialogue, with the farmers themselves. This...
6 Ways to Reach Rural Woman via Mobile Phones Even If They Do Not Own One
In order to reach rural women through mobile technology, they need to be able to access phones that work at the precise moment you are trying to engage with them....
Do ICTs Make Evaluation More Inclusive Or More Extractive?
ICTs can help make evaluation more inclusive, yet they also bring new challenges and new kinds of inequities and exclusion that we need to be aware of and solve...
The One Thing Everyone Should Do Now to Improve Program M&E
There is a simple solution that is useful throughout the project cycle, takes 10 minutes to set up, is used by millions of organizations worldwide but seldom used...
Please RSVP Now: How Can ICT Improve Monitoring and Evaluation?
June 5th Ottawa Tech Salon – Please RSVP Now
The world has more data now than ever before, and more ways to collect it too. In fact, we are floating in an...