Authoritarians Attack Human Rights Activist Satellite Technology
Access to space technologies during the Ukraine invasion has been a crucial aspect of the conflict, from providing communications which are resilient to attacks...
12 Digital Development Terms Defined by Human Rights Defenders
Most of the conversations surrounding technology and human rights focus on top-down solutions, quite often ignoring the lived experiences and expertise of grassroots...
Apply Now: $10,000 African Digital Rights Grants for Small Teams
Digital development is pivotal to improving livelihoods and promoting human rights on the African continent. As of January 2022, the continent had around 570 million...
Apply Now: $350,000 to Advance African Digital and Human Rights
We need digital and human rights initiatives, projects and strategies led by African organizations that contribute towards a healthy internet. New digital solutions...
How to Address Disinformation in Eastern and Central Europe
The Russian invasion and war in Ukraine has accelerated already existing propaganda and disinformation campaigns throughout Eastern and Central Europe. Together...
Apply Now: $300,000 for Data Systems to Safeguard Human Rights
Many nonprofit organizations have unique datasets that – alone or in combination with other data – may offer deeper insights into the needs of beneficiary groups,...
How SADC Government Cybersecurity Laws Impact Human Rights
It is now axiomatic that the mass diffusion of the internet and its ancillary digital technologies have created an alternative space for the widespread and ‘unrestricted’...
10 Human Rights Impacts of Land Governance Digitalization
Digitalization – the adoption and use of information and communications technologies (ICT) and artificial intelligence in different sectors and every...
Apply Now: $300,000 for Your Open Source Internet Freedom Initiatives
In the COVID-19 era, connectivity is a necessity. Virtually all human activities – business, education, healthcare, politics, socializing – have moved...
12 Artificial Intelligence Initiatives in Health, Education, Human Rights
Artificial intelligence (AI) is already embedded in a range of digital services. Voice assistants such as Alexa, car routing or content translation all involve...