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The Bi-Weekly ICT4D Retrospective: Important Links for Sept 15-28, 2010

By Ritse Erumi on September 28, 2010

Welcome to the ICTworks bi-weekly ICT4D Retrospective, where we condense the last two weeks of news into a succinct list of links for your perusal. If you want your news to be featured, email them to ritse [at] ritseonline [dot] com. To get these links faster, follow me on Twitter: @RitseOnline

In the Know: Ever wonder how many Zambians use their mobile phones to keep up with the news and other relevant info? A recent survey conducted by AudienceScapes provides some fascinating findings [PDF].

ICTs for MDGs: Last week was quite the conference week for many in the development community. If you missed the ICT4D session hosted by the UN Week Digital Media Lounge, you are in luck!

In Case You Thought You Had It All Figured Out: The ever prolific Linda Raftree has given us much to mull over: 3 ways, 5 ways, 11 concerns

Because I Am A Girl: Check out Plan International’s most recent report [PDF] on the use of ICTs in promoting girls’ rights and fighting gender inequality.

Tweet Me, Please! Remember Ken Banks’ recent plea for a visible community of practice around mobile technology? Let’s make him happy! Use the official twitter hashtag: #m4d

Got A Good Idea? Entries are now being accepted by the Wireless Innovation Project, a competition that seeks to promote the use of wireless technology for social good. The deadline for applications is December 15th, 2010.

All in the Data: Richard Heeks looks at ICT diffusion rates in wealthy and poor countries from 1998-2009. You might also be interested in checking out the raw data.

Get a Job in ICT4D
D-tree International (India): Field Coordinator

Finally…the ICT4D Spotlight of the Week: DemocracyWorks from NDI
NDI’s ICT team aims to use democracyworks.org to "engage in ongoing conversations about the important and increasing role technology plays in politics and democratic development."

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