How can Digital Transformation help #ShiftThePower?
I am Matt Haikin, an experienced ICT4D and Digital Transformation (DX) consultant. I am looking forward to attending the Shift the Power Summit on December 5-7,...
A Call to Technologists on Technology and (Dis)Empowerment
Several fascinating Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) innovations have emerged over the years and ICTworks has regularly profiled...
Apply Now: $1 Million for Women’s Digital and Economic Empowerment
The economic empowerment of women is a crucial development issue, with digital skills and tools are essential to helping business women cope with the economic...
The Economic Cost of the Gender Gap Digital Exclusion
Across the world, millions of people are still unable to access the internet and participate online — and women are disproportionately excluded. Men are 21% more...
It’s Time to Connect African Entrepreneurs to Global Venture Capital
When it comes to innovation, Africa has an abundance of entrepreneurial talent. Nowhere is early-stage, technology-driven innovation more exciting than it is in...
The Afrofeminist Power Dynamics of Data Governance for African Women
Data is a powerful resource to address the myriad of challenges that women face across the African continent. What is counted often becomes the basis for the development...
Apply Now: $850,000 for Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion Research
Internet access and information and communication technologies create new opportunities for digital financial services that increase financial inclusion. Yet 1.7...
Apply Now: $1.5 Million for Women’s Digital Economic Empowerment
Today, 1.7 billion women in low- and middle-income countries still do not own mobile phones. For example, in India, 67% of men own mobile phones, but only 33% percent...
Why Does South Asia Have the World Largest Mobile Phone Gender Gap?
Today in India, 67% of men own mobile phones, but only 33% percent of women do. South Asian countries in general are clear outliers among countries of similar levels...
3 Digital Business Opportunities with Micro Merchants in Bangladesh
Imagine you could impact over 1.3 million people and their families, who represent 13% of the gross domestic product of Bangladesh. That’s the promise with...