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Nairobi Technology Salon: What are the Technology Challenges in International Development?

By Wayan Vota on November 20, 2012


Mobile device technology is changing the social and economic development landscape in East Africa. Mobile phones are powering revolutions in banking, in education, in healthcare, in the very way we relate to each other. Tablets and laptops will unleash their own disruptions as they propagate beyond the city center, following the mobile phone into everyone’s lives.

But before we are blinded by the hype, we need to ground ourselves in reality. There is still a digital divide in technology infrastructure. Not everyone has access to mobile phones, even less to tablets, and fewer to computers and the Internet. Also, the technologies we use today work well, but they could be so much better!

  1. What is holding us back from using technology in more ways, in more communities, to tackle even more pressing problems?
  2. What are the top 10 technology constraints? How can we overcome them?
  3. And what social and development impact would we have with the “perfect” ICT tools?

Please join a select cohort of thought leaders and decision makers in international development and technology for the first Technology Salon in Nairobi – a meeting unlike any you’ve attended before. 

We’ll have only 30 people, so everyone can participate and share, and no Power Point or prolonged speeches, so we can really dig in and discuss. Do note you must RSVP to be confirmed for attendance.

Technology Challenges in Development
November Nairobi Technology Salon
8 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Friday, November 30th, 2012
Population Council, Kenya
Ralph Bunche Road & Ngong Road
Nairobi, Kenya (map)

We’ll have hot coffee, donuts, and fruit for a morning rush, but seating is limited. So RSVP ASAP to be confirmed for attendance – once we reach our 30-person capacity there will be a waitlist.

About the Technology Salon™

subscribersThe Technology Salon™ is an intimate, informal, and in person, discussion between information and communication technology experts and international development professionals, with a focus on both:

  1. technology’s impact on donor-sponsored technical assistance delivery, and
  2. private enterprise driven economic development, facilitated by technology.

Our meetings are lively conversations, not boring presentations. Attendance is capped at 30 people – and frank participation with ideas, opinions, and predictions is actively encouraged.  It’s also a great opportunity to meet others motivated to employ technology to solve vexing development problems. Join us today!

Filed Under: Hardware
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Written by
Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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3 Comments to “Nairobi Technology Salon: What are the Technology Challenges in International Development?”

  1. shadrack says:


  2. Jacob Greer says:

    Will there be audio or video recording of this event? Or at least healthy blog coverage? I’d love to hear the discussions!

  3. Wayan Vota says:


    We have blog posts of all Salons after the events – you can ready about past ones here http://technologysalon.org/meetings/ but we do not (and will not) have audio or video recordings. Salons operate under the Chatham House Rule – what is said at the Salon, stays at the Salon – so that folks can really speak their mind without worrying about who might hear them say that later. We’ve found this really incites strong conversations and opinions not found elsewhere.