Your Chance to Help Out at TechCamp Nairobi with US State Department
The U.S. State Department is organizing a TechCamp in Kenya in early September, focused on health solutions. This will be a regional East Africa TechCamp, including...
How Can Digital Marketing Improve East African Development Outcomes?
More and more East Africans are going online every day. Many of these new netizens are also key development actors – from the wealthy and connected who can...
Nairobi Technology Salon: What are the Technology Challenges in International Development?
Mobile device technology is changing the social and economic development landscape in East Africa. Mobile phones are powering revolutions in banking, in education,...
The Bi-Weekly ICT4D Retrospective: Important Links for February 29 – March 13, 2012
BoP Women and Mobile Tech To commemorate International Women’s Day on March 8, the GSMA mWomen Programme published a study called “Striving and Surviving...
Why Open Collaboration Spaces like *iHub_ Matter
Last week I attended the much anticipated iHub Nairobi launch, as well as participated in a pre-launch gathering of African tech hub pioneers (more on the latter...
Navigating Google Maps of Naiorbi
If you’re used to the poor selection of maps for African cities, let me show you the future, today. Google Maps has an amazingly accurate and detailed map...