Welcome to the ICTworks bi-weekly ICT4D Retrospective, where we condense the last two weeks of news into a succinct list of links for your perusal. If you want your news to be featured, email them to ritse [at] ritseonline [dot] com. To get these links faster, follow me on Twitter: @RitseOnline
Seventy-Seven and Counting: As we come to the end of March, we would like to recognize ICT4D leaders who also happen to be women. Help us build this list by nominating someone today! (Twitter tag: #ICT4Dwomen)
Making Voting Social: Check out Revoda, an election monitoring and reporting mobile app created by an all-volunteer team of Nigerian developers. Can the people of Nigeria bank on a free and fair election this time around?
Learning from Failure: A new initiative by Engineers Without Borders Canada seeks to address the big white elephant in the development room…FAILURE.
Stories from the “Field”: Learn how a farmer in Bangladesh utilized ICTs to preserve his green chili plants.
And, Finally: Paul Baran, one of the main architects of Arpanet, a predecessor to the internet, passed away at his home on Saturday. May his legacy live on!
Get a Summer Internship in ICT4D
OpenMRS, Google Summer of Code (Open): Open Source Development Project (Health)
Tazama (Mwanza, Tanzania): Mobile Development Project (Health)
Telefonica Research (Madrid, Spain): Mobile Development Project (Education)
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