Today, a range of educational technologies are increasingly ubiquitous in many of the communities where USAID works and are relatively inexpensive for educational...
Inspired by the One Laptop Per Child international initiative, Uruguay was the first country to implement a national-scale plan to distribute personal computers...
Digital learning brings opportunities but also introduces risks that need to be managed effectively. The Committee on the Rights of the Child explicitly recognizes...
Published on: Apr 05 2023 by Wayan Vota - Comments Off on 11 Educational Technology Solutions in Nigeria Empowering Learners
Educational technology has the power to revolutionize education in developing countries by increasing access, quality, equity, and efficiency of education. Here...
Educational technology is enhancing teaching and learning outcomes across the African continent. Looking at Ghana, in West Africa, teachers and parents can use...
Published on: May 26 2022 by Guest Writer - Comments Off on 10 Ways Educational Technology Can Reach the Most Marginalised Learners
The experience of learning under Covid-19 has put the spotlight on EdTech and equity. It has reiterated that EdTech decision-makers — be they designers, providers,...
Published on: Apr 13 2022 by Mary Burns - Comments Off on 6 False Narratives to Change in Educational Technology Research
If you’ve spent any time in the technology in education world, particularly in developing country donor-funded work, you probably know the general lament about...
Few innovations have generated such excitement and idealism—and such disappointment and cynicism—as information and communication technology in education. The...
Equal and equitable access to quality education is one of the greatest challenges facing global society. Socio-economic status, geography, race, gender, and disability...
The unprecedented Covid-19 crisis has greatly affected the education sector, with more than a billion young people in a lockdown and distance education expanding...