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USAID Global Development Lab Supported Projects Catalog

By Guest Writer on June 17, 2015


For decades, USAID and its partners have successfully tackled some of the world’s toughest challenges by developing and implementing innovative breakthroughs—from the seeds of the green revolution, to microfinance, to oral rehydration therapy—has saved lives, created economic opportunity, and advanced human development. Building on this legacy, USAID established the U.S. Global Development Lab to lead our efforts in applying science, technology, innovation, and partnerships to solve global development challenges and improve our development impact.

The Global Development Lab Catalog presents select innovations supported by USAID and its partners through open development programs that form the foundation of the Lab. The catalog illustrates a range of cost effective and potentially transformative solutions that are possible when we tap into the energy, commitment, and entrepreneurial and innovative spirit of people around the world.

The Lab will enable USAID to bring a diverse set of partners – entrepreneurs, world-class experts from corporations, NGOs, universities, science and research institutions, and our Missions around the world – together to discover, incubate, and scale breakthrough development innovations in sectors like water, health, food security and nutrition, energy, and climate change, among others that can reach hundreds of millions of people.

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