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Apply Now: $60,000 Internet Access and Connectivity Grants

By Wayan Vota on May 22, 2023

internet connectivity funding

The Internet is a place of possibility and opportunity. It is where we collaborate and innovate for a better world. Where we share our hopes and strengthen our bonds. It is where we work, learn, and make progress. We must keep the Internet a force for good: open, globally connected, secure, and trustworthy.

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The Internet Society and Internet Society Foundation just launched their first set of funding programs this year. The two programs—Connecting the Unconnected and Sustainable Technical Communities—reinforce our commitment to support communities around the world in gaining greater access to the Internet and ensuring its security and resiliency.

$60,000 for Connecting the Unconnected

A funding program that supports communities and local organizations working to build and expand Internet infrastructure to connect people living in rural, remote, and low-income areas.

Communities and local organizations can apply to either build a new complementary access solution to connect the unconnected, or to expand an existing one. The funding requested for each application is expected within, but not limited to, the following ranges:

  • $40,000 USD to build new complementary access solutions to connect the unconnected
  • $20,000 USD to expand or improve existing complementary access solutions to connect the unconnected

$8,000 for Sustainable Technical Communities

A funding program that supports the growth of strong and sustainable technical communities that can help the Internet thrive by building, promoting, and defending an open, globally connected, trustworthy, and secure Internet based on local and regional needs.

Some examples of technical communities include: Network Operator Groups (NOGs), National Research and Education Networks (NRENs), country-code Top Level Domain Operators (ccTLDs), CSIRTs, among others.

Funding of up to $4,000 USD is available on an annual basis (per calendar year):

  • One per organization for local or national events
  • Two per organization for regional events

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Written by
Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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7 Comments to “Apply Now: $60,000 Internet Access and Connectivity Grants”

  1. We are an Indian NGO. We are working for tribal development. Where we are working the area is remote. There is no Internet accessibility, so can we eligible for Internet accessibility funding

  2. Zinabu Dawit says:

    I have experience on project implementation and currently i am lecturer in Arba -Minch college of health science on southern Ethiopia . 100% efficiently success the project goal If will get opportunity to win the project.

  3. Joseph G.Mutua says:

    Am interested coz i run a local community based organisation in kenya

  4. Alhassan garba indabawa says:

    My country Nigeria is having problems with connectivity especially internet sopls look out ways to help the rural people

  5. Gloria chumo says:

    Am interested I run. Community based organization in kenya

  6. I am interested. I am running a community-based organization in IMO state.

  7. Amagono Saye says:

    We are a Malian Association. We work for sustainable development and also information sharing. Where we work, the region is remote (Pays Dogon). There is no internet accessibility so we may be eligible for internet accessibility funding