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The Bi-Weekly ICT4D Retrospective: Important Links for Aug 17-31, 2010

By Ritse Erumi on August 31, 2010

Sending MMS your way: On August 26, the good folks over at FrontlineSMS, upped the ante with the addition of MMS capabilities to the latest release of their software. Imagine the doors this will open up for health-care delivery, disaster management, eLearning…

Facebook is the mobile internet

The Facebook Factor: According to a recent report, the mobile penetration rate in Africa stands at 47% and there seems to be a significant growth in the number people accessing the web…to use Facebook! Do you see a correlation between Facebook use and mobile web adoption rates?

eDevelopment Defined: Are you working with “ICTs for development” or working for “development with ICTs”? Read IICD’s take on the matter.

Quality Assured. Genuine Product: The war against the proliferation of fake medicines could take a new turn with the introduction of a new service that allows people confirm the authenticity of a drug via SMS. Learn more about .

Techno-Optimism: The ICT4D Jester speaks once again.

1,000 Telecentres in Rwanda by 2015?
Paul Barera, Executive Director of Rwanda Telecentre Network (RTN), hopes to reduce the digital divided by deploying 1,000 telecentres by 2015. An upcoming handbook provides a case for why and how this ambitious goal will be accomplished.

e-Voting boosts economies: African ICT firms are reaping economic benefits from the transition to e-voting.

m4D. Apps4D. ICT4D. Confused, yet? This Venn diagram provides some clarification.

Finally…the ICT4D Spotlight of the Week: The Talking Book
The Talking Book is a programmable audio computer that shares locally-relevant knowledge and improves literacy. While many of you are already familiar with this project, they’ve had a pretty busy summer.

P.S. We would like use this spot to plug people, projects or organizations that are using creative yet appropriate ICTs in the field of international development, please leave us a comment if you would like to be highlighted.

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