Welcome to the ICTworks bi-weekly ICT4D Retrospective, where we condense the last two weeks of news into a succinct list of links for your perusal. If you want your news to be featured, email them to ritse [at] ritseonline [dot] com. To get these links faster, follow me on Twitter: @RitseOnline
Top of the Year to You, our Comrades in ICT4D! With 2010 now in the distant past, we would like to hear your thoughts on trends to keep on our radar this year. Should we watch anyone in particular? Please send your predictions for 2011 our way.
iUshahidi is Here: And, we’ve got three words for you…go get it! No offense to our Andriod friends, of course!
ICT as an Enabler: In a post titled “How Technology Can Enable Rapid Responses to Acute Poverty Events“, Randeep Sudan provides a nice overview of how ICTs can be used to bolster broader development efforts.
Help or Hype? Even ICTs should be held to some kind of standard. So, here are two resources for considering and evaluating the impact of ICT on social and economic development: ICT4D Value Chain and Core ICT Indicators (PDF)
Mark Your Calendars: On Friday, January 14th at 11 am (EST), join other ICT4D enthusiasts for a Twitter discussion on ICT4D distance learning options. The hashtag will be #ICT4DDL.
Get a Job in ICT4D
Engage Media (Australia or Indonesia): Technology Director
Dimagi (Various): Programmer (US), Research Positions (India)
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