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Your Chance to Help Out at TechCamp Nairobi with US State Department

By Wayan Vota on July 29, 2013


The U.S. State Department is organizing a TechCamp in Kenya in early September, focused on health solutions. This will be a regional East Africa TechCamp, including participants from Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Ethiopia. The TechCamp Kenya planning team is currently looking for quality local technologists from Kenya and East Africa to be a part of this event!

TechCamps, an initiative led by the U.S. State Department’s Office of eDiplomacy, are a series of technology-focused, capacity-building workshops in cities around the world. Designed specifically to empower civil society groups, TechCamps help in advancing U.S. interests of creating stability in a region, spreading democratic values, and fostering economic growth and transparency, which ultimately leads to better governance.
During the TechCamp process, civil society organizations work closely with local and international technologists to define their biggest challenges and pair them with low cost, easy to implement technology solutions. TechCamp is NOT a hackathon, or a bootcamp. It is a two-day, highly interactive, tightly curated participant led ideation event. At a TechCamp, everyone is required to participate, with no one talking for more than 10 minutes!

To date, the U.S. State Department has hosted more than 20 TechCamps, all over the globe, on various topics such as Open Government, Women’s/Youth Empowerment, Social Inclusion, Education, and Crime and Security.

So, if you are a technologist currently living in East Africa, passionate about the “Tech-For-Social-Good” concept, enthusiastic about participating in this TechCamp for assisting the NGOs working in the health sector, please contact Pritam Kabe and Jamie Findlater, with a brief bio and introduction about yourself.

Filed Under: Healthcare
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Written by
Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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6 Comments to “Your Chance to Help Out at TechCamp Nairobi with US State Department”

  1. boaz juma says:

    thanks for your work done do provide computers to community based organization?

    iam from Africa-Kenya. thanks


  2. Bettina says:

    I would like to participate in this good work in my country.I am a tourism professional.Thanks

  3. boaz juma says:

    hallo Bettina thanks for your reply i did not understand to what you mean in your reply please

    Boaz Juma

  4. Bettina says:

    Thanks Boaz.
    I am a Kenyan in Nairobi.I would like to help on this programme.What is the protocol to follow?