How to Use Mobile Network Operator Data in COVID-19 Digital Response
The Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) has developed this introductory brief as the first in a series of materials on using mobile network operator (MNO) data. When...
Please RSVP Now: Global Digital Development Forum – a Virtual ICT4D Conference
We are all rapidly mobilizing for COVID-19 Digital Response. At the same time, we still need to solve long-term challenges to achieve the Sustainable Development...
The Digital Principles are Rooted in Collaboration and Primed for Growth
The Principles for Digital Development are one of the most successful examples of collaboration and partnership in our industry. Created for development practitioners,...
Apply Now: $75,000 for Open Source Software Sustainability Planning
Expensive mainstream proprietary software from advanced markets isn’t appropriate for many resource-constrained contexts in international development. Open Source...
5 Reasons to Use Mobile Aggregators to Scale MNO Services
Mobile network operators (MNOs) in every country offer innovative technologies and communication channels for international development practitioners. However,...
Demand Aggregation: The Secret Ingredient to ICT4D Success
Many global international development organizations are using technology and mobile channels to better understand and reach their target populations. A substantial...
4 Use Cases for Internet Messaging Applications in Development Programs
Nearly half of the world’s population uses one or more messaging applications and increasingly, development organizations are seeing the value of using mobile...
The Hyper-Promise of Artificial Intelligence for Hyper-Personalization – Your Weekend Long Reads
Our journey to the effective use of artificial intelligence (AI) in international development has gotten stuck. Articles and white papers warn of potential abuses...
DHIRT: How Donors Will Evaluate Your Digital Health Proposal
It’s no secret that donors like USAID, DFID, and the Gates Foundation, and national governments struggle to evaluate digital health solutions embedded in program...
Apply Now: $100,000 Grant Funding for Open Source Software Projects
Expensive mainstream software from advanced markets isn’t appropriate for many specialized contexts in international development. Open Source software has...