From e-Chaos to Sustainable Health Impact with FHIR
In a recent ICTworks article, Karamagi et al. describe digital health as in a state of e-Chaos. They demand digital health projects “stop further duplication,...
Apply Now: $250,000 for Open Source COVID-19 Digital Health Solutions
As the COVID-19 Digital Response continues to create global goods with scalable digital solutions using open standards and approaches, there is a need to focus...
Aid Evolved Podcast: How Clinics Resist and Embrace New Technology
A Conversation with Liz Peloso
In this episode of the Aid, Evolved podcast about technology, poverty, and health, I speak with Liz Peloso, a seasoned global health...
How Will Digital Yellow Card Certificates Track COVID-19 Immunizations?
We can finally foresee the end of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Global pharmaceutical companies are developing vaccines for COVID-19. Soon, there will be widespread...
4 Ways We Overcame ICT4D Pilotitis in Vietnam
We all know the dangers of “pilotitis” in the ICT4D and mHealth space. The potential for new ideas and innovations is seemingly limitless, but challenges arise...