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Please RSVP Now: How Can mEmployment Improve Youth Opportunities in Africa?

By Wayan Vota on June 5, 2014


Please RSVP Now

Africa has the youngest population in the world with +200 million people ages 15-24 years, which is set to double by 2045. However, youth unemployment remains a biggest barrier to the region’s development; youth account for 60% of all Africans unemployed and 72% of youth live on less than US $2 a day.

Unemployment and underemployment are forms of social and economic exclusion: it hinders the role of young people in society and the development of their countries, and can reduce their personal well-being and future opportunities.

The role of mobile

Against this background, mobile technology is growing in Africa: the number of mobile connections has risen to 824 million in 2014, an almost 75% market penetration).

Public and private innovators are leveraging this near ubiquity of mobile technology to address youth employment issues. By providing services to match labour supply and demand, these pioneers are helping to bridge some of these gaps.

How can mEmployment solutions scale?

What does it take to ensure these solutions grow sustainably for greatest impact? The GSMA has assessed the current market leaders to identify emerging business models, best practices and examine ways to overcome barriers to scale for various stakeholders.

Please RSVP now to join us for the release of their latest report on Sustainable Mobile Employment Solutions for Youth,” and a lively discussion around how promising M4D solutions can play a role in helping to overcome the broader issue of youth unemployment.

GSMA Report Presentation

  • Corina Gardner, GSMA

Panel Session Participants

  • Lauren Dawes, GSMA
  • Peter Goldstein, Intermedia
  • Jamie Zimmerman, Bankable Frontier Associates
  • Lara Goldmark, FHI 360
  • Tim Nourse, Making Cents International

Please RSVP now to join us for this unique look at the role of mobile in youth employment:

mEmployment for Youth
Thursday, June 12th
Downtown, Washington, DC
RSVP for event location

Filed Under: Economic Development, Featured
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Written by
Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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