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Please RSVP: Are Mesh Networks in Development Practical or Preposterous?

By Wayan Vota on September 19, 2014

We all love the Internet, but we often think of it as a virtual cloud, untouchable by the common person. However, with new advances in computer networking any one of us can set up a mesh network and wirelessly connect computers and devices directly to each other, without much technical expertise. Yet why would anyone create a mesh network? Here are two reasons:

  1. Mesh networks are resilient: They can automatically reconfigure themselves according to available nodes, making them great tools in disaster response, when traditional networks are offline. Rerouting also means mesh networks can be interesting tools in circumventing censorship and user tracking.
  2. Mesh networks are community builders: Beyond the technology, the community organizing required for mesh networks is key to most development interventions and can be leveraged to achieve greater goals than merely Internet access.

So if mesh networks are such a great technology and tool for development;

  • How can we use them better in dangerous places? What are the opportunities and challenges everywhere else?
  • Who is leading mesh network innovation? How are they managing the various technology and development constraints?
  • What are the social and community benefits and concerns with mesh networks? How can we measure them?
  • When should we be concerned about mesh network privacy and security?

Please RSVP now to join the next IREXtech Deep Dive to explore the potential of mesh networking for development.  To help us navigate where we are headed, we’ll have four thought leaders sharing their knowledge and opinions:

Please RSVP now to join this active, practical event. We’ll have an overview of the state of mesh networks and their usage across the development spectrum, a lively brainstorming on what the future of mesh networking might look like, and small teams creating frameworks for how to get us from the present to the future.

We’ll go from talk to action in just one morning!

MeshNets for Development
IREX Tech Deep Dive
8:30 am -12:30pm
Tuesday, September 30th
Washington, DC, 20005

We will have hot coffee and a catered breakfast for a morning rush, but seating is limited RSVP now, before its too late. Note that this event is in-person only, and RSVP is required to attend.

About IREX Tech Deep Dives

IREX Tech Deep Dives are an interactive discussion series on technology for development hosted by the Center for Collaborative Technologies at IREX in partnership with Kurante.

We convene small groups of established experts to have critical and substantive discussions on the application and impact of new and emerging technology solutions and their relevance to international development.

Participants will gain new insights on current technology trends and gain practical insights they can apply immediately, and over the long term. RSVP now to join us!

Filed Under: Networking
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Written by
Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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