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Apply Now: 4 Ways to Launch Your Digital Development Career Today

By Wayan Vota on January 3, 2022

digital development career

Do you want to start our grow your career in digital development? Are you excited to use ICT4D to increase impact in 2022? Can you imagine yourself accelerating social and economic advancement around the world?

Then jump at the opportunity to apply for one of these four unique ways to expand your skills and gain valuable experience. Each fellowship can help you while you help others. All are looking for people just like you.


TechWomen Emerging Leaders are women with experience in STEM but not the USA and want to be immersed in the innovative, constantly evolving culture of Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area. They are paired with a Professional Mentor.

The Mentor works closely with her to carry out a project at the host company four days per week for four weeks. The Professional Mentor offers guidance and support throughout the mentorship.

Apply Now: Deadline is January 5, 2022

Global Health Corps

Global Health Corps offers a range of paid, high-impact fellowship roles with health organizations in Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia.  You have the opportunity to develop as a transformative leader too.

GHC recruits and selects highly qualified applicants with diverse skill sets to be placed in high-impact organizations for a 13-month fellowship. During their fellowship year, fellows make significant contributions to their placement organizations and the communities they serve.

Apply Now: Deadline is January 12, 2022

Google Student Researcher

Google Student Research Interns are key to innovation and make significant contributions through applied projects and research publications. Internships engage students from a range of disciplines, including CS, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics.

Paid Google Student Researcher positions in Accra, Ghana offers opportunities to work on critical research projects beyond the limitations of our traditional internship program. The topics student researchers work on tend to be open-ended and exploratory.

Apply Now: Deadline is January 31, 2022

ICT4D Jobs

ICT4D Jobs isn’t a fellowship itself, but every two weeks we send out over 20 dream digital development job opportunities. Our newsletter has everything from entry-level positions to senior management roles, for project managers, software developers, and program directors.

You can use ICT4D Jobs to find a position that allows you to conceptualize, design, and implement digital development solutions in health, education, agriculture, and other international development sectors.

Sign Up Now to get your dream job!

Filed Under: Opportunity
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Written by
Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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One Comment to “Apply Now: 4 Ways to Launch Your Digital Development Career Today”

  1. Omodara Victor says:

    Integrated projects on health that combines research, production and development of new, novel products that include commercial, drugs, chemicals ,food and their backup digital products on healthcare.