Giving Thanks to 8 Communications Platforms that Changed ICT4D
Today in the USA it is the Thanksgiving holiday, which historically was a day we gave thanks for a bountiful summer harvest and successful preparations for winter....
Use Interactive Voice Response to Reach More African Women
An extract from Strong Connections
As we wind our way slowly through the market in Accra, we stop to visit several clients of Opportunity International Savings...
IVR is the Killer App for Development Service Customer Acquisition
In low and middle income countries, ICT4D interventions have been used to improve outcomes in sectors such as health, agriculture, and education. Several such interventions...
10 Digital Health Technology Solutions for Global COVID-19 Response
Global coronavirus infections now exceed 120,000 confirmed cases in 119 countries, with over 4.300 deaths from COVID-19. There are also more than 66,500 people...
Can We Use IVR to Improve Care of People Living with HIV and AIDS?
The last decade has seen a rise in the use of mobile phones in developing countries. In the paper, Supporting Treatment of People Living with HIV / AIDS in Resource...
Is the Era of SMS Dead? Long Live Interactive Voice Response!
The death of SMS text messages has been foretold many times in the past. However, they are still the best low-tech way to reach everyone with a mobile phone. Or...
When Is the Best Time to Send IVR and SMS Messages to Farmers?
While India‘s total fertiliser consumption is less than the global average, it is the second largest consumer of urea (a nitrogen based fertilizer) in the...
How a Mobile Phone Game Found 50,000 High-Quality Client Leads
Climate change has been a growing challenge in Madagascar, with smallholder farmers being particularly affected by increasingly frequent climate shocks. Climate...
Which ICT4D Solution is Best for Your Project?
When you buy electronic hardware like mobile phones or laptops, you check reviews, comparisons, test videos, and other resources typical for consumer products. ...
RASP-IVR: Ultra Low-Cost Interactive Voice Response Solution
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems have demonstrated that they provide an opportunity for a low-literate audience to express themselves and interact with...