Practical Insights on Robert Salerno

Fail Festival 2014: Failure Happens and Flowers Grow From It

Fail Festival 2014: Failure Happens and Flowers Grow From It

Published on: Dec 15 2014 by Guest Writer - Comments Off on Fail Festival 2014: Failure Happens and Flowers Grow From It
At a typical development meeting, the person responsible for an epic fail would slip into a trapdoor and be consumed by sharks with freakin’ lasers. Yet at...
Fail Fest DC 2013: Cathartic and Comedic

Fail Fest DC 2013: Cathartic and Comedic

Published on: Dec 09 2013 by Wayan Vota - Comments Off on Fail Fest DC 2013: Cathartic and Comedic
On Thursday night, Washington DC celebrated failure in international development as a mark of leadership, innovation, and risk-taking in pushing the boundaries...