5 Lessons Learned From Investing in Libraries for National Development
Beyond Access was the first major global attempt to connect the international development and public library worlds. Taking the form of a series of projects in...
Six Digital Inclusion Insights – Your Weekend Long Reads
UNESCO, in partnership with Pearson, has released ten case studies of digital solutions that are inclusive for people with low skills and low literacy, helping...
Check Out Inveneo’s New Solar Powered Digital Library Kit
Imagine if your young child attended a school that did not have books, electricity, or the Internet. What educational opportunities would he or she be denied?
Using Technology to Advance Human Rights in Kenya
Joseph Kitaka, a resident of Yatta in Machakos County, Kenya, has always had an interest in defending human rights. His community is faced with numerous challenges,...
Libraries Increase Access to Online Services in Myanmar
As Myanmar’s government ministries offer more comprehensive e-government services, rural communities have the most to gain because of their geographic isolation...
How Digital Tools Can Support Reading Culture in Laos
In the course of a six-month, one-woman survey of public Internet access venues in Vientiane, I spent most of my time in Laos’s capital city in libraries and...
7 Reasons Why Libraries Are the New Telecentres
As those, who have been in and around community-based ICT/Internet access (community informatics) initiatives well know, the primary dilemma for these activities...
How Public Libraries Connect People to ICT for Development
Public libraries play a critical role in extending the benefits of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to a diverse range of people worldwide. However,...
Why Public Access to ICTs Matter in the Age of Mobile Phones
While you’re likely reading this on your personal computer, enjoying reliable and fast internet, millions of people around the world still lack private access...
The Challenges of Illiteracy and ICT Training in Bhutan
Bhutan’s timeline is unique: formal education was introduced there in 1960, Internet and TV were introduced in 1999, and democracy was introduced in 2008. Because...